Monday, March 31, 2008

oily skin care tips

Oily Skin Care tips
Skin is kept supple and moist by oil, which is produced by sabacious glands. Our skin naturally produces oil, when sabacious glands produces excessive oil, it results in oily skin. Our face, neck arms shoulders too can be oily.

How do we know if we have oily skin.
All most all teenagers have oily skin because hormone production is in full bloom. For the people who are not teenagers we can easily know whether they have oily skin or not. When we look in mirror there is sheen on our skin. Check T-zone which is located starting at the point between eyes and goes vertically down our nose to our chin. ( The T- zone also goes horizontally across our nose beginning and stopping at the center point below our eye) our sheen may be unnoticeable during day. So we want to check again immediately after waking in the morning. If there is a sheen , we have probably oily skin.

If our hairs are oily then it is sign of oily skin. If make wears off quickly then again it is sign of oily skin. Although some times caused by stress and other factors, the presence of blemishes is also a sign of oily skin. There are many skin care books available in market you can take help from them. Oily skin care product reviews are also available.

How to take care of Oily Skin

Skin care for oily skin is very important for us. Our main aim is to remove oil from our skin that is clogging pores. All the oil should not be removed because it keeps skin supple and moist. so we should try to control the oil.

By keeping our skin clean we can easily keep our pores clear other wise dead cells ,dirt and bacteria will clog pores and cause pimples.

Our skin is delicate therefore it is good to use gentle cleanser and warm water. Weekly exfoliation with a non-abrasive product will help to remove pore clogging material. Use a toner that does not contain alcohol and moisturize in moderations. Home made skin care products oily skin pimples are available in market. Oily skin cleansers are easily available in market we can use them to care oily skin.